1. Account usage (for non-resellers):

Personal accounts are to be used by the primary owner only. Account holders are not permitted to resell, store or give away web-hosting services from their web site to other parties. Web hosting services are defined as allowing a separate, third party to host content on the owner's web site. Exceptions to this include ad banners, classified ads, and personal ads. We reserve the right to refuse service and/or access to our servers to anyone.

2. Not Allowed:

SPAM - Any site operator who uses/stores any kind of spamming software, or whose spamming activities affect our servers negatively in any way, will have their accounts terminated without warning.

Mailing lists - Mailing lists such as mailman, majordomo, PHPlist, etc. are not allowed to run from our servers regardless of the contents of these lists' messages or size, and even with "obtained" addresses.

MLM - Any mailing, posting or content of "Make Money Fast" (MMF) or "Fast Cash" or pyramid schemes or chain letters or MLM (multi level marketing) schemes of any sort will result in quick account termination.

HYIP - High Yield Investment related or linked to websites.

Illegal Material/Actions - This includes copy-righted works, commercial audio, video, or music files and any material or actions in violation of any Federal, State or Local regulations.

Adult Material - Includes all pornography, erotic images, or otherwise lewd or obscene content. The designation of "adult material" is left entirely to the discretion of us. Contact us first if you think that you may violate this term.

IRC bots - IRC bots such as Eggdrop, IRCD, PSY BNC etc. are prohibited.

Shell scripts - Shell scripts such as those that try to gain shell access or to run system command lines are prohibited.

Warez - Includes pirated software, ROMS, emulators, freaking, hacking, password cracking or cheating, IP spoofing, etc., and encrypting of any of the above. Also includes any sites which provide "links to" or "how to" information about such material.

BitTorrent: Or any thing related to bit torrents are not allowed to be hosted on our web servers.

Proxy: Proxies websites, scripts, etc. are not allowed.

Phishing: The illegal collection of personal information over the internet is obviously not allowed.

Downloads: Storing an excessive amount of downloads is not allowed.

3. Server usage:

When a web site is found to be monopolizing the resources available, we reserve the right to suspend that site immediately. This policy is implemented only in extreme circumstances and is intended to prevent the misuse of our servers.

As long as you do not violate any other terms in that page, you are able to host and distribute files with no limitation or restrictions.

4. Privacy Policy:

HoboHost's privacy statement explains how we treat your personal data and protect your privacy when you use our Services. By using our Services, you agree that HoboHost, LLC can use such data in accordance with our privacy policies.

5. Disclaimer:

Revised: Friday, April 6th, 2018

Refund Policy:

We will refund payments for web-hosting packages up to 72 hours after initial payment has been made if you are not satisfied with our service and have not violated any of the Terms of Service stated above. Setup fees and domain registrations are not refunded under any circumstance.